Where is the best seat location to see everything?
Where is the theatre located?
Is the theatre wheelchair accessible?
How much do tickets cost?
What is the performance schedule?
How do I buy group tickets?
Access Information
Access Ticket Information
Accessibility by Seating Section
Orchestra Location: Seating is accessible to all parts of the Orchestra without steps. There are no steps to the designated wheelchair seating location.
Mezzanine Location: Located on 2nd level, up 1 flight of stairs. Once on the Mezzanine level, there are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. Entrance to Mezzanine is behind row H.
Balcony Location: No elevator, stairs only. Once on the Balcony level, there are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. The entrance to the Balcony is behind row F.
Handrails: Available at the end of every stepped seat row in the Mezzanine and Balcony.
Assistive Listening System
Loop technology is also available at this theatre.